A lot of code already in place and lots of tests already been run with the new code.
I try to runt tests immediately when piece of functionality is more or less complete. Very agile development method
I have been running test with five parallel QSOs in different phase and start order.
- All QSOs are maintained in a two-directional dynamic list.
- QSO objects maintain their respective QSO state and JT9/JT65 transmit tones.
- Object constructors and destructors maintain the list integrity and order.
- Logging functionality is also integrated to QSO objects.
- Busted QSOs are also handled gracefully and removed from the list.
- Ongoing QSO may QSY at any phase during QSO
- New QSO is checked against ongoing ones to safeguard ongoing QSO Tx frequency. No QSO overlap is allowed.
Lots of debug printout still left in the code…
Biggest single item still missing is the user interface. Maybe tomorrow I can start working on that.
Thanks for reading!
Toni oh3t
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