Tuesday, October 16, 2012

T30 Propagation Charts QRP

Decided to calculate some propagation maps from EU to T30. T30PY is on air so I wanted to make some preditions on when to watch them. Looking the propagation maps is something I do on regular basis before contests and when DX comes on air.

My main tool for calculating propagations is excellent tool developed by a fellow Finn Jari Perkiömäki OH6BG. The latest propagation indexes are automatically taken into account by this online tool so it is very user friendly to use. Please check it and calculate your own propagation charts!

VOACAP Online Tool

Prediction short path from my QTH to T30.

I did not find antenna information from T30PY team so I calculated with 3 el yagi on their end, which approximates reasonably well to VDA that is commonly used on DX peditions. The tx antenna is 3 el yagi and power is 5 watts QRP with CW as mode. So basically the prediction says that I should be able to make contact with T30PY on 15m beween noon and 3pm my time, with opportunity between 10am to noon as well on that band. Also 17m is potential between 11am till 5pm and short opening on 20m is also possible later in the afternoon.

For comparison I calculated charts for Italy and UK as well (UK left, Italy right).

In this particular case UK is fairly close to Finland compared to propagation, but Italy and Balkan region and Russia is significantly better especially on high bands.

Please check the VOACAP Online tool and do your own predictions! 

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